The Best Foods to Eat in Every Decade of Your Life Update 2021

Mizanur Rahman
7 min readJun 29, 2021


The Best Foods to Eat in Every Decade of Your Life

It’s common sense that food is ultimately what keeps you strong, healthy, and functioning at peak performance for your best life ever. But what you ate in your twenties may not be what your body needs as you hit your thirties, forties, and fifties. From hormonal changes to bone density, things change from one decade to the next — and that’s putting it lightly.

Learning how to feed your body properly as you grow older can prevent diseases and other unnecessary complications from arising. The goal here is to live a long, happy, and healthy life, which is why we’ve identified the dietary building blocks to help you age well, one decade at a time! And if you’re looking for what to avoid, be sure you stay away from any of the unhealthiest foods on the planet.


From chicken to steak to tofu, protein is an essential building block. “When you’re in your twenties, you’re still growing and often burning the candle at both ends,” explains yoga instructor and nutritionist Lola Berry. Protein helps you going — and growing. Check out our Ultimate Guide to Protein for everything you need to know about this favorite food.

Complex Carbohydrates

“Research supports that teenagers to 20-somethings should create adult habits — so it’s imperative to give the body all the nutrients it requires for optimum health,” explains Lisa Avellino, Fitness Director at NY Health and Wellness. “Complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, quinoa, and brown rice are great for sustainable energy, especially in your twenties when you’re super active.”

Nuts and Seeds

“A woman’s metabolic rate starts to slow between two and four percent per decade. Even though that means you’re still in top shape now, it’s wise to think about the changes you’ll go through as you age — and start thinking about those future healthy habits now,” explains personalized health expert Matt Riemann. “If you start in your fifties, it’s probably too late. Plus, until about 25 or so, your body is still building bone; so, to keep that bikini body and to continue to build the strong bones you’ll need to prevent osteoporosis 40 years from now, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting plenty of healthy vitamins and minerals from nuts and seeds. These are packed with everything you need, from vitamin A to zinc. Plus, there’s a healthy dose of antioxidants, fats, protein, and phytonutrients.” Here are 15 Nuts Better Than Protein Powder to choose from!

Calcium-Rich Foods

You need to think of your twenties as a time you’re “investing” in your health; what you eat in your diet now can have a direct impact on the state of your health in 30 years. “Calcium-rich foods will help strengthen your bones, which will help keep you active for the next 60 years,” explains Dr. Susan Albers, a nutrition expert, and clinical psychologist at Cleveland Clinic. “Calcium-rich foods include sesame seeds, leafy dark greens, oranges, broccoli, and calcium-fortified foods like cereal and bread.”

Hormone-Balancing Foods

“Your skin can take a hit when you’re active, stay up late, and go out frequently,” explains Albers. “Boosting your diet with foods that balance your hormones and keep you hydrated can make sure you glow and prevent blemishes,” Alberts recommends foods like blueberries, yogurt, walnuts, and oatmeal. We also like these 25 Healthy Foods That Give You Glowing Skin

Liver Cleanses

We get it — your twenties are about parties and schmoozing with friends over drinks. It’s a time in your life that you’ll never forget, but don’t let all that alcohol leave you with regret later on. “As alcohol becomes more available, so does the need to take care of the liver,” says Riemann. “Cleansing the liver with lemon juice, garlic, and onions can go a long way with keeping you healthy in the long run, despite the desire to enjoy the parties.” This doesn’t give you permission to just trust any so-called cleanse; here are 10 Signs a Juice Cleanse is Bogus.


“Many women in their twenties are actually a bit deficient in iron, especially if they have heavy periods or are pregnant. You need iron to have healthy red blood cells; without it, you can become anemic and feel tired all the time,” explains Dr. Rob Silverman, DC of NY ChiroCare. “The RDA for iron for men is 8 mg, but for women, it’s 18 mg. Because it’s easy to overdose on iron, get it from food such as dried beans, eggs including the yolks, liver, lean red meat, poultry, salmon, tuna, oysters, almonds, tofu, and whole grains. A lot of popular breakfast cereals are fortified with iron. You can get about 9 mg from just a cup of Cheerios.”

Bone Broth

Your thirties are all about trying to maintain and strengthen the foundation you laid for good health in your twenties. One option that we have today that we didn’t know about a decade ago? Bone broth! “Bone broth supports a healthy gut, immune system, joint health, and helps to decrease cellulite,” says Monica Amsterdam CHC, AADP, FDN-P the director of nutrition at the Medical and Wellness Center of NJ. Find out what to do about your dimples with these 21 Best and Worst Foods for Cellulite.

Super Foods

In your thirties, family, work, and brain management are pushed to the limit with all you have going on — especially as you try to find a balance for it all in your life. “Superfoods are essential, especially olive oil. They’re rich in polyphenols, which are powerful brain-protective antioxidants. Coconut oil, wild salmon, blueberries, turmeric, eggs, dandelion greens, and walnuts are all just the shortlist that yields peak performance benefits,” explains Avellino.

Bok Choy

“Bok choy is low in calories, making this vegetable a winner for weight loss in your thirties,” says Amsterdam. “It keeps blood pressure in the normal range, improves digestion, is rich in folate, and is an important nutrient in pregnancy and breastfeeding.” Are you or someone you know expecting a baby? Our new book Eat This, Not That! When You’re Expecting, authored by America’s leading OB/GYN Dr. Jennifer Ashton, is now available. Get the doctor-recommended, trimester-by-trimester eating plan for the baby and you!


Gasp! We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this decade is when you might start to see some subtle signs of aging — fine lines and gray hairs could start creeping up. “To keep this natural aging process as slow as possible, eat tons of antioxidants. Berries, tropical fruit, colorful vegetables, and green leafy vegetables are among the most antioxidant-rich foods you could grab to look and feel youthful,” recommends Riemann. And because the editors of are obsessed with nutrients, they’ve already pulled together this incredible list of 15 Most Antioxidant-Packed Fruits & Veggies — Ranked! You’re welcome.

Fatty Fish and Eggs

Experts say that once a man hits 30, his testosterone starts to drop by one percent each year. “So, foods that can promote the maintenance of balanced hormones are important,” says Riemann. “Fatty fish and eggs are filled with healthy fats and vitamin D, both of which can help boost your testosterone hormones.”

Folic Acid

Your thirties may be a time when you’re thinking about starting a family and getting pregnant. In that case, iron and folic acid are key. Carol Cottrill, a nutritional consultant, and author recommends low-sugar fortified cereal, as they offer iron and folic acid in one bowl. (For lunch, have some leafy greens, which are full of folic acid and antioxidants!) As for the cereals, just don’t rely on these 20 Worst “Good for You” Cereals, okay?

Low-Fat Dairy

The bottom line is you start losing bone mass after 35 — so it’s essential you consume enough calcium. Cottrill suggests low-fat choices like milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese. And that cereal she suggested above for folic acid? Top that with milk to get the calcium you need along with it! Can’t stomach dairy? Then reach for these 20 Best Calcium-Rich Foods That Aren’t Dairy.

A Rainbow of Veggies

“Our thirties are when we begin to see a decline in our metabolism, so we must account for it. Our stress levels also tend to be a bit higher as we marry, begin families, and further our careers,” explains Darin Hulslander, CEO of DNS Performance & Fitness. “Consider meditation or yoga on a daily basis; both can help combat some of the issues with stress, such as high cortisol levels and fat storage from stress. Eat lots of colorful veggies to ensure your bodies can still handle this at their peak.”

Looking for more tips? Fat Loss Tips



Mizanur Rahman
Mizanur Rahman

Written by Mizanur Rahman

Entrepreneur, Web developer, SEO Specialist, Blogger, Traveler, Economist. Founder CEO at Manha Technology. Worked Software company, ISP as Sr. Manager.

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